Happy October! Hope this finds you well.
We had such fun kicking off the new season with our Sustainability Social. Thanks to everyone who came out and participated. One North is a beautiful venue and we appreciated learning about the CENTER, its coalition partners, and the US Fish & Wildlife Service’s programs. Happy to report that the Taste of Sustainability ice cream is delicious, so we will offer it again in the future. Thank you to What’s the Scoop? ice cream shop and to everyone who supported our GPSEN Youth Network. If you are still interested, we have ten pints left. Available at: gpsen.org.
Now, we move on to a full month of conferences and the amazing NWEI EcoChallenge. Be sure to step up and join our EcoChallenge team or start one of your own.
Also, don’t forget that this month is Campus Sustainability Month. Share what your institution is doing to promote sustainability throughout October. Watch this simple how-to video and get started today.
Thank you for your collective effort and may fall bring you much success!
The post October News appeared first on Greater Portland Sustainability Education Network.