May 15 (application deadline)
The Division of University Outreach and Engagement (Division) at Oregon State University enhances access to enrichment and problem solving through reciprocal relationships for the exchange of knowledge and resources in partnership with individuals, communities, business, industries, government, and educational institutions. The Division includes the OSU Extension Service. The Outdoor School (ODS) Program resides within the OSU Extension Service and advances the Extension Service’s vision, mission, and goals through the statewide engagement of School Districts and Educational Service Districts in Outdoor School. The ODS Program helps Oregon’s youth learn better; develop leadership, critical thinking, and social skills; and exposes them to the role of scientific inquiry and applied learning. The long-term goal of this ODS Program is to integrate placed-based programs into the Oregon school system that build upon youth’s skills in hands-on science and their abilities to be effective stewards and leaders in their community. Outdoor School is intended for all 5th or 6th graders in the state of Oregon.
For more information click here.
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